Our Church

Christ Fellowship Church is just that. Fellowship in Christ as a church. 1 John 1:3 says, “What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 

The Gospel of Christ is what we have seen. It is what we have heard. Our greatest testimony. Our greatest reality. It is what we now proclaim in hopes that it would ignite true fellowship amongst the people of God. We gather with a purpose. A fellowship horizontally toward brothers and sisters that draws us vertically to our heavenly Father through Christ. Fellowship describes all that we do. Discipleship is fellowship. Worship is fellowship. Teaching is fellowship. Serving is fellowship. Hospitality is fellowship. Confessing sin is fellowship. Bearing each other's burdens is fellowship. And all of our fellowship is influenced and directed by the Gospel of Christ. 

This results in two great principles for our ministry: To preach the Word of God and to exalt Jesus Christ. God’s word is our authority. The Gospel is our message. The Holy Spirit is our power. Christ is our Shepherd-King. The church is our supreme context to live out our faith in fellowship with one another, and indeed, our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ!


The Moeller Family

Pastor Collin Moeller

My Conversion

I grew up in Parchment, MI. The third of four boys. Though I grew up in the church, it wasn’t until I was 19 years old, that I truly gave my life to the Lord. In the summer of 2003, having just arrived to basic training in the U.S. Army Reserves, I found myself lonely, vulnerable and humbled. At one of the Sunday chapel sessions the preacher spoke on Romans 12. My soul was provoked like it never had been. I was challenged to consider whether I was an actual living sacrifice for Christ as a response to the great sacrifice that Christ was to all who believe upon Him. I realized I was a fraud. I never truly believed, until this moment. It was in late August of 2003 that I surrendered my life to Christ. 

My Wife

I married Alli in the summer of 2006. I absolutely love my wife. She is beautiful. Like all marriages, we have had brokenness in sin, but we have joy in our Lord. God has gifted me with a profound love from Alli that has providentially shaped me as a man of God. She has held me accountable to the kind of leader Ephesians 5:25 calls me to be. She bears my burdens with grace and care. She has had a significant influence in the direction that the Lord has led our family. She has a disciplined affection for the Word of God. I am always eager to hear her heart as it pertains to the many decisions that life brings us, as I know she is very wise. Second to Christ, she is my primary ministry.

My Children

We had Braelyn(our daughter) in July of 2013, and Keldan(our son) in May of 2016. I have a deep affection for these two people. I strive to cherish all the moments with my son and daughter. Our family values quality time. We look forward to being together. Braelyn is passionate with whatever she does, loves to be with people and loves to create. Keldan is very affectionate toward the ones he loves, loves to be with animals, and is self-determined in sport. My hope is to firmly apply the principles of Psalm 127 so their future will be held by the providence of God, and Christ would be their Lord. 

My Calling

After 13 years of vocational ministry, in the summer of 2020, I felt the Lord calling me to start a church. I was then drawn to the passage of John 21, and the interaction that Jesus had with Peter on the beach for myself. I began to consider the great question of the Lord, “Do you love Me?”. I knew that I needed to truly confirm my affection for Christ before I took the next step. I spent much of the fall of 2020 aligning my heart toward Christ, as the Lord began to align my life for the launch of Christ Fellowship Church in the spring of 2020 to “Feed His sheep”. I am currently enrolled in The Master’s Seminary online program for a Master’s of Divinity(fall of 2021). The Lord has convicted me to aspire to calling of Shepherding His people. To provide for them clarity in a world of ambiguity. To preach the truth of the Gospel, and what it means to truly believe and repent unto Christ. My chief aim is Colossians 1:28, “We proclaim Him, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ.” It is an honor and a privilege to serve the Lord in this way.